End of Year Information from Mr Mason

15th July 2024

Dear Parents and Carers,

As we approach the end of term, I wanted to write to you all, thanking you for your support and cooperation during this academic year. 

In line with this, I wanted to share our end of term arrangements, so you are all aware of what is occurring in the next week.

Wednesday 17th July

CORE day 4

Thursday 18th July

CORE day 5

Friday 19th July 

Non uniform day for students (£1 with all proceeds going to charity)

Years 7-120840-0900 PT TIME
P1Normal Lesson
P2Normal Lesson
Extended brunch1110-11.45
P3Students with personal tutors Golden ticket announcements for year groups will occur at 1200
1215Pupils dismissed 


I wanted to say thank you to parents and carers for their support in continuing to meet our uniform expectations this term. The uniform and presentation have never been so good, and we wish for this to continue. Ensuring standards of uniform are high and students are following rules sets a tone for the culture we aspire to; it sets young people up to work within rules and contribute positively to society. It is essential parents and carers continue to support our rules for uniform in 2024 – 2025, we would ask that you ensure that:

  • Students only wear natural make up – wearing extreme/heavy makeup is not permitted.
  • Hair must only be natural colours (no dyes) and no extreme cuts.
  • Eyelashes should be natural.
  • Nails should be safe – cut below the fingertip and nail polish should be natural in colour.
  • Only one stud piercing is allowed in each ear (no bigger than the ear lobe and no hoops)
  • No facial piercings are allowed in the academy – nose piercings with plasters are not allowed.
  • Leggings or jeans/chinos style of trousers are not acceptable.  Trousers should have a zip and pockets and not be a pull-on style.
  • Shoes must be black, formal and polishable – trainer type shoes are not allowed.
  • For SWB6th students we expect appropriate business dress, including a blazer style jacket at all times and their lanyard. No short skirts or sportswear

Please see our video below regarding acceptable/unacceptable uniform:

Can you please support the academy by ensuring that every student is fully prepared every day for the new academic year with the following equipment:

  • School bag – appropriate size to carry books.
  • Reading book
  • Academy passport
  • Blue/ black pen
  • Green pen
  • Ruler
  • Eraser

Lockers are available upon request for all students. Please don’t hesitate to ask for a locker through your child’s Head of Year.

Student return

Wednesday 4th September 2024

Year 7, 11 and 12 – normal start of 8.40

Thursday 5th September 2024

All year groups – normal start of 8.40

Safeguarding and support

If you find you are in need of help or support during the summer period, please use the numbers below. This will signpost you to a range of support, from food banks to mental health and well-being support. 

Staff are not available at all during the summer holidays and will not reply to telephone call messages or emails.

Please remember that if you have any serious and immediate concerns about a child, young person, or a family during this period, please call the Police immediately on 999.

Helpful numbers for non-emergencies are as follows: 

Social Care Wolverhampton:   01902 555392 (Out of hours 01902 552999)

Social Care Dudley: 0300 555 0050 (Out of hours 0300 555 8574)

Sandwell daytime and Out of Hours: 0121 569 3100

Walsall Childrens Services 0300 555 2866 (out of hours 0300 555 2922)

Police: 101

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter. As ever, please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any issues or concerns.

Please have a wonderful break and we will look forward to welcoming our students back in September.

Yours sincerely,

Dan Mason


For and on behalf of Ormiston SWB Academy