The governing body is made up of eight members, plus the Principal. We have one parent and two staff-elected governors, with the remainder appointed by Ormiston Academies Trust (OAT) or the academy LGB.
What are governing bodies for?
Governors are the largest volunteer force in the country and their overall purpose is to help schools and academies raise standards and provide the best possible education for their students.
The governing body does not manage Ormiston SWB Academy but it does give direction and focus by providing strategic leadership.
What are the roles of the governing body?
How does the governing body work?
The governing body works as a group, taking collective responsibility for all decisions. Governors work in close partnership with the Principal who, as the lead professional, advises and assists the governing body to carry out its functions.
The governing body includes people with a wide range of skills, experience and backgrounds, all of whom have equal status and rights as governors. Governors are encouraged to broaden and develop their skills, knowledge and confidence through engaging in training opportunities.
The full governing body meets approximately three times each term to discuss key areas such as student performance, the curriculum, staffing, finance, premises and health and safety. It is important for governors to get to know the academy and its staff, which they do by regularly visiting and attending academy events and open days whenever possible.
Governors take on specific roles linking to aspects of the academy’s development plan with members of the senior leadership team and also to specific functions.
Becoming a parent governor
Becoming a parent governor can be very rewarding and offers the opportunity to make a real contribution to the life and work of our academy. Governors play a key role in the leadership of the academy and work together with the Principal, staff and other governors to ensure that our academy provides a challenging and supportive environment for its students.
Parent governor vacancies are advertised on our website and circulated to all parents of current students via the our newsletter.
Becoming an OAT governor
Becoming an Ormiston Academies Trust (OAT) governor is challenging, interesting and deeply rewarding and contributes to the well-being and prospects of pupils, academies and communities. OAT welcomes applications from people from all walks of life to gain a wide variety of skills and experience to support and develop the academy.
The Local Governing Body believes Ormiston SWB Academy students are expected to demonstrate a vast array of characteristics that will prepare them for future success.
The Governors expect that our standards clearly signal to staff, students and parents the core values of Character, Organisation, Resilience and Excellence which ensure our Academy is focused, happy and a safe place to learn and achieve.
The Governors are fully supportive of our brand new C.O.R.E Futures Programme. This is aimed at giving students the opportunity to have experiences, which deepen knowledge, embed skills and strengthen character. Through Years 7 to 13, students will study and take part in an enrichment programme including visits, courses, events and activities alongside their timetabled lessons.
Governors, staff and students embody these values every day; as Governors we are dedicated to creating an inclusive environment with a family atmosphere.
Everything we do, as Governors is driven by our commitment to provide our students with the highest standard of learning and teaching. In return we have very high expectations of student behaviour and their achievements.
At Ormiston SWB Academy all Governors believe in appreciating traditional values and embracing innovation. We believe that with nurture and hard work every child has the potential to succeed.
The Governing Body can be contact by writing to – Chair of Governors, Care of the Academy, Ormiston SWB Academy, Dudley Street, Bilston, WV14 0LN or by emailing Chair of Governors, Care of the Academy –