Exam Preparation

Yr. 13 parents – Results day Thursday 15th August

Year 12/13 Btec and A level results

Students and their families may enter by the main entrance from 9-00am. Results will be given out by SLT in the Brindley open area.

Mr. Wall will be on hand to offer careers advice. 

If you have any queries about your exam results, please see Mr. King and Mrs. Jangra.

Support with UCAS applications will be available on the day.

The academy closes at 11-00am.

Students wishing to have their results posted must provide a stamped, addressed envelope before the day. 

Any students who wish to nominate a family member to collect their results need to give the name via email to Mrs. Jangra ([email protected]) in advance. The family member will have to bring photo ID on the day for the results to be released to them. 

Yr. 11 Results day Thursday 22nd August

Year 11 Btec and GCSE results plus Year 12/3 GCSE results

Students and their families may enter by the main entrance from 9-00am. Results will be given out by SLT in the Brindley open area.   Students leave via B1. 

SWB6th form sign up and information pack in B1

Mr. Wall will be on hand to offer careers advice.   

If you have any queries about your exam results, please see Mrs. Jangra.

The academy closes at 11-00am. 

Students wishing to have their results posted must provide a stamped, addressed envelope before the day.  

Any students who wish to nominate a family member to collect their results need to give the name via email to Mrs. Jangra ([email protected]) in advance. The family member will have to bring photo ID on the day for the results to be released to them.  

Post results Services for re-marks information can be found within the following link:

Post-Results Services and Appeals for A Level and GCSE

Review of Results

If the Academy is not happy with any of your final subject grades, usually if you are 2/3 marks off the next grade boundary, the Academy will request from the Exam Board a re-mark at the Academy’s expense.

If you as a student or your parent/carer are not happy with your final subject grade you have the right to request a re-mark. This request must be made in writing to The Principal at the Academy as early as possible after results day and no later than 1 September. There would be a charge of approximately £46 per paper for this.

Following a review, grades can either

a) stay the same

b) go up to a higher grade

c) go down to a lower grade

All students are asked to sign a consent form should a review be requested.

You will be informed in writing of the outcome of the review by mid-October at the latest, usually earlier.

Access to Scripts

If you wish to have access to any of your scripts then this request must be made in writing stating which script is required no later than 1 September.


After receiving the outcome of any review and you or your parent/carer are still not happy then you can appeal. This must be done in writing to The Principal at the Academy within 7 days following receipt of any review outcome.

Appeals must clearly state the grounds for appeal.

Appeals do not generally involve further reviews of marking students’ work.

Awarding bodies may charge a fee for appeals. This fee will be refunded if the appeal is upheld.

How is my child assessed at SWB?

This video gives you an overview of how your child is assessed at KS3 and KS4 and how you can use the report that comes home to support your child.

Summer 2024 contingency days

There are three contingency sessions for the summer 2024 exams series and it is important that your students are aware of these, especially the full day on 26 June 2024.    The contingency sessions are on:

afternoon of 6 June 
afternoon of 13 June
full day 26 June.   

These are in place to allow resilience in the exam timetable. They will help ensure that the exam series runs smoothly in the event of national or significant local disruption to exams.    These days will only be used if there is an announcement that centres are required to use them. It is important that students are reminded that they must remain available for exams until 26 June 2024 should an event arise.

Exams Documents