Exam Preparation

How is my child assessed at SWB?

This video gives you an overview of how your child is assessed at KS3 and KS4 and how you can use the report that comes home to support your child.

Summer 2024 contingency days

There are three contingency sessions for the summer 2024 exams series and it is important that your students are aware of these, especially the full day on 26 June 2024.    The contingency sessions are on:

afternoon of 6 June 
afternoon of 13 June
full day 26 June.   

These are in place to allow resilience in the exam timetable. They will help ensure that the exam series runs smoothly in the event of national or significant local disruption to exams.    These days will only be used if there is an announcement that centres are required to use them. It is important that students are reminded that they must remain available for exams until 26 June 2024 should an event arise.

Exams Documents