Progress Day 2022

Tuesday 18th January 2022

Dear Parent/Carer

I am writing to you to invite you and your child to attend our progress day on Friday 4th February 2022. We would like to hold this event in person and in the academy. In order to make the environment as safe as possible for everyone we will maintain a two-metre distance for your appointment, and we would encourage all attendees to take a lateral flow test in advance of their appointment.

You will be able to book a meeting in advance of the day with your child’s Personal Tutor. Full details of how to book your appointment will be sent out via parentmail. The meeting will then give you the opportunity to discuss your child’s achievements in each subject. The meeting will also give you an up to date picture of any concerns as regards behaviour, punctuality or attendance as well as a chance to recognise and celebrate success.

The event will begin at 8.00am and end at 4.00pm.

The academy will not run the usual timetable for students on Friday the 4th February. Students in years 7 to 10, 12 and 13 should only attend for their appointment. To ensure that no learning time is lost, work will be set by the teachers they would normally have on this day on class charts. Students are expected to complete this work when they are not at their appointment.

I strongly encourage you to attend this event with your child to ensure that you are fully informed about your child’s current and expected progress.

Yours faithfully

Mr S. King

Vice Principal